With Inflatable Movie Screens You Can Show Outdoor Movie at School

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Portable Outdoor Movie Screen

With the use of a portable movie screen, you can show outdoor movies at your school. There are many reasons for having a movie event on the school grounds. In the fall it is a terrific way to get the students and their families excited about returning back to school. What a way to kick off a new school year.

Outdoor movie events also make great fund raisers throughout the year. Best of all, these movies provide children, parents, and teachers a wonderful way to spend time together getting to know one another.

Where On the School Grounds Can You Show a Movie?

The modern technology behind portable movie screens allows the school’s PTA to host outdoor movie events in a variety of locations found on the school grounds.
• On the Playgrounds
• On the Baseball Fields
• In the Parking Lot

Any place where the large inflatable screen can be set up makes a perfect location for a school movie event. Many times the PTA will add to the fun and excitement by setting up games, concession stands, or food trucks. The ideas are unlimited when it comes to enjoying an outdoor movie.

Choosing the Right Outdoor Movie Rental Company

Not all outdoor movie rental companies are the same. Some will go that extra mile to ensure you, your guests, and everyone involved is happy while others will do the bare minimum. You want a company that becomes invested in your event, not just showing up for set up and removal.

There are a few things to look for when selecting which company to use. Look for one that advertises the brand of screen they use. You will also want to know the screen’s wind rating. The last thing anyone wants is to have a large screen blow over. Keep your movie event memorable for positive reasons.

You more than likely don’t have a power supply in the location you’ve selected such as the ball field. Your outdoor movie rental company should have a generator for these situations. Make sure that their generators run quietly. No one wants to try to hear the movie over the loud drone of a machine.

Timing Is Important

When choosing an outdoor movie rental company understand what time they can start the movie for you.
Not all screens are made the same. High end screens allow the rental company to begin at sundown when there is still a soft glow of light. Companies without the better screens, such as DJs, have to wait for complete darkness before starting the movie.

The difference in starting a movie early or late can be anywhere from 40 to 60 minutes. This can be huge to families with smaller children who need to get to bed. It also isn’t much fun for the adults to get home late from the school’s movie event and have to try to get up for work the next day.

By knowing what to look for when planning your school’s outdoor movie, you’ll have a successful event that everyone will remember. It will be the perfect kick off to the year, fund raiser, or simply a good reason to gather with friends and family.

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Southern Outdoor Cinema

About Southern Outdoor Cinema
Southern Outdoor Cinema, LLC, is the LARGEST producer of high quality outdoor movie events in the United States for movie studios, film festivals, marketing agencies, Fortune 500 Companies, schools and cities. Southern Outdoor Cinema produces extraordinary outdoor movie experiences with big screens and bright and colorful images so that your audience members feel like they are at a real Hollywood film premiere. Contact Southern Outdoor Cinema to receive a free consultation for your next special event.



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