How to attract a large crowd to your PTA election
Your local school’s PTA/PTO is very important to the students, parents, and educators. They have many duties within the school system, and they are responsible for raising necessary funds throughout the school year. This organization wouldn’t be possible without the help and support of the local community along with elected officials within the association. The key to success is getting everyone involved in the elections.
Hold a Movie Night Election
Organizing a movie night is a terrific way to attract a large crowd to your school’s PTA election. Movie events entice many of the parents and students to come back to the school for the election who may otherwise skip it. The more people from the community that get involved, the more successful your PTA will become.
The best thing about a movie event is that it can be held indoors or out. A large inflatable screen can be set up on the football field, playground, or school grounds. If there is a risk of inclement weather, it can work just as well inside a gym or auditorium.
Movie nights are among the highest attended school events hosted by PTA and PTO organizations. Other events may include things such as bingo nights or school dances. One aspect that makes movie night so successful is that both the moms and dads find them appealing.
Why the PTA/PTO is So Important
Parent teacher Associations and organizations, referred to as the PTA or PTO, address the issues important to the public school administrators and the parents of students. They fight for funding and quality teachers in order for the schools to survive, especially now that many schools are experiencing increased class sizes and government mandates that make the job of providing quality education a daunting task.
PTAs depend upon the dues, fund raisers, and the support of volunteers to continue their work. The election of certain positions within the organization is vital to their success. This is why it is crucial to get as many people involved as possible with events such as a movie night.
How to Combine an Election with Movie Night
One PTA in Forsyth County GA uses the time before their annual movie night to discuss PTA issues. Using the microphone, the PTA reviews details of other events, budgets, and the hosted elections. This is also a good time for the candidates to say a few words on their own behalf. Last minute nominations from the floor could be recognized before the movie begins.
For the best turn out, the Election Day movie event should be scheduled at the beginning of the school year and placed on the school calendar. This gives parents ample notice that this is when the elections will be held.
PTA members, teachers, and attending parents can place their votes after the presentation, just before the movie starts as messages from the sponsors are being shown. Paper ballots can be collected, and the guest can enjoy the feature presentation while a designated group can count the ballots. Results could be announced at the end of the movie.
The Benefits of Attracting a Large Crowd to Election Movie Night
The movie event itself gives everyone in the community, including teachers, parents, and students, a reason to gather together. Along with enjoying the main feature with friends and family it offers the perfect setting for discussing all of the PTAs important issues. By having a larger crowd than at the typical PTA meeting, more people will be able to have input on major decisions and elections. It also makes the job of spreading information to all of the parents much easier.
Everyone will go home knowing exactly who will be holding which offices and what it is going to take to make another successful school year for the students. Using the attraction of the movie to bring in a bigger crowd will benefit the students the most. Children who attend schools where parents work closely with the teachers and PTA tend to have higher test scores and better attendance. The next time you’re looking for a way to help your local PTA/PTO succeed, consider hosting your own school’s movie night.